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What will happen on the day of your interview

First, tell the receptionist or whoever initially greets you that you have come for an interview. Then tell them your name and the name of the hiring representative you are supposed to meet. State the same if reception is done via an intercom.

Be careful of these points!

  • Avoid showy clothing and accessories.
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointed time.
  • If you are going to be late or unable to come, be sure to notify them by phone.
  • Cigarettes, food, and drinks are strictly prohibited.
  • Turn off your cell phone.
When the interview starts, say, "My name is ○○, it is a pleasure to meet you," and bow. Then interviewer will invite you to sit down by saying "Please sit down". Once you hear this, you may sit. It's important to sit up straight and not leaning.

Be careful of these points!

  • Look at the other person's eyes while speaking.
  • Answer questions frankly and accurately.
  • Remember to speak in an energetic way, using polite language.
  • Have good posture without leaning against the back of your chair, crossing your legs, or crossing your arms.
Step3Exiting the room
When the interview ends, stand up, say, "Thank you very much," and bow. When exiting the room, turn once more to the interviewer, say, "Excuse me," and bow. When you walk out of the room, close the door slowly behind you.

Be careful of these points!

When you say, "Thank you very much," bow at about a 15° angle; when you bow just before exiting the room, bow at about a 30° angle. This will make you look courteous.

Exiting the room

Common interview questions

Why did you apply to this company/this store?
This question is meant to determine the applicant's ambition for the job. Clearly convey your reasons for choosing this job from among numerous others.
What are your strong points?
This question is meant to determine the applicant's compatibility with the company. If it is a hospitality job, choose appropriate keywords like "bright" and "considerate"; if it is a restaurant job, choose words like "dextrous" and "polite."
How can you use your experiences up to date?
Prepare to talk about your experiences in a way that will make you seem compatible with the company before you go to your interview. If you do, answering this question will not be difficult.
How many days can you work each week, and how many hours can you work per day?
Sort out which hours you can work in advance so that you can answer immediately. Don't go overboard in an attempt to make a better impression. It will inconvenience many people after you are hired.
When can you start work?
Accurately convey when you can start. If you cannot start right away, give a specific explanation, such as, "I'm taking tests this weekend."

Now you are prepared!
Head to the interview with confidence!


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