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Step1Prepare a resume
  • ▶If you are using a PC: download the resume form from the web and fill it in using Word, Excel, etc.
  • ▶If you are writing it by hand: print the downloaded resume form, or buy one at a store to fill out. Do a rough draft in pencil, then write over it with a black ballpoint pen.
Download a resume formDownload a resume form
The part-time and side job use form is convenient! You can buy one for ¥100-200 at a ¥100 shop, a convenience store, etc.
Step2Write your resume
  • Don't fill in the date that you are writing the resume, but instead the date that you will be turning it in.
  • If a field says "furigana" in hiragana, use hiragana; if it says "furigana" in katakana, use katakana.
  • Trim a photograph of yourself taken head-on from the chest up to approximately W 3 cm x H 4 cm, and attach it using double-sided tape or glue. Write your name on the back so that it will be OK even if it comes unstuck after you turn it in.
  • Write in your "academic history" and then your "work history," starting at the top with the oldest for each. If you have internship or part-time work experience in Japan, write that in "work history."
Be careful of these points!
  • Don't write anything untrue in an attempt to make yourself sound better.
  • You cannot submit it written in pencil or colored pen.
  • You cannot submit it with words struck out by double lines, with whiteout used for corrections, etc. If you are writing it by hand, do a rough draft in pencil.
  • You cannot turn in a copy of a handwritten resume. Even if you are applying for multiple jobs, carefully write out an application for each.
  • Regardless of whether you got them in Japan or in your home country, write the qualifications, licenses, etc., you have received in chronological order. Please write them even if they are not related to the job for which you are applying.
  • Write what appealed to you about the job, how you can use your experiences and characteristics in the job, etc. Write comments that give a sense of your ambition.
  • Concretely write down your merits, points of pride, etc. This is the place to convey that you are a proactive and reliable person.
Take your resume to the interview!See the Interviews tab for what to sayTake your resume to the interview!See the Interviews tab for what to say


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